T.A. Law held it’s inaugural Pub Quiz on 12th October to raise funds in support of Kin Cymru. The night was well supported and was thoroughly enjoyed by all who participated. The winning team, who took the £100 first prize and bottle of champagne was ‘The Charlatoms’ (pictured) from T.A. Law, with ‘Bentley’s Bunch’ of Pendragon Drafting snapping at their heels coming in a close second. Thanks also to ‘The Mob from the Mond’, ‘Golden Nuggets’, ‘Team Angel’ (Angel Chambers), ‘Halal – is it meat you’re looking for?’, ‘Super Humungus Intelligent Team (S.H.I.T.)’ and ‘Team Welfare Rights’.
A big ‘thank you’ also goes to Chris Wilkie as Quizmaster Extraordinaire and David Bentley-Miller for his good-humoured and skilled services as Auctioneer General. Thanks also to Tino and her staff on the night, and all the wonderful companies and organisations who donated the wonderful prizes.
We are pleased to announce that the evening raised a whopping £933.95 for Kin Cymru! This money will help toward providing essential assistance for disabled youngsters and their families to assist with DLA applications and appealing incorrect award decisions.